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Free Academy. The Tragic and Mysterious Fate of the Romanov Treasures

Starting date: February 1, 2025

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Course Description

The Romanov family, the last imperial dynasty of Russia, amassed an extraordinary collection of jewelry over centuries, featuring diamonds, emeralds, sapphires, and pearls in elaborate designs. These treasures symbolized the family’s immense wealth and power. After the Russian Revolution of 1917, many imperial family members were executed and the rest had to flee to exile. Much of their jewelry was seized by the Bolsheviks. Some pieces were sold off to finance the Soviet regime, while others disappeared, likely stolen or hidden. A portion of the collection survived, with items reappearing in auctions or museums, but many pieces remain lost, shrouded in mystery and intrigue. Join this Course to learn the history, provenance and fate of those priceless masterpieces.

Lesson 1 - Looting of Churches and Palaces

February 1st, 2025

In this lesson let’s find out who stood behind the lootings of churches and palaces. Let’s talk about how some of the finest Romanovs’ jewels got to the treasure boxes of European monarchs and American aristocrats.

Duration: approximately 1h

Lesson 2 - Romanovs and Others

February 8th, 2025

In this lesson, we’ll be talking about the lost treasures of the Romanovs and other aristocratic families. We will attempt to trace some of therm and define their possible whereabouts.

Duration: approximately 1h

Lesson 3 - Lost and Found Faberge Masterpieces

February 15th, 2025

In lesson three, we’ll be talking about the fabulous creations by Carl Faberge. During the Russian Revolution of 1917, many of Carl Fabergé’s exquisite jewels were confiscated by the Bolsheviks and either nationalized or sold abroad to fund the new Soviet government. The Fabergé workshops were closed, and Fabergé himself fled Russia, with many masterpieces disappearing or being dispersed worldwide. Some Fabergé treasures were preserved in museums, while others ended up in private collections, often through international auctions. Let’s talk about all these stories in detail.

Duration: approximately 1h

Lesson 4 - Russian Aristocracy

February 22nd, 2025

In this lesson, we learn about other famous families of St. Petersburg, including the Yusupov and Naryshkin families, two of Russia’s most illustrious noble dynasties. The Yusupov Palace on the Moika River is famous not only for its sumptuous interiors and vast collections of art, jewelry, and gold, but also for its connection to the dramatic assassination of Rasputin. Likewise, the Naryshkin family, owned large estates adorned with priceless artifacts.

Duration: approximately 1h

Replay Lessons​

Free Academy - The Romanov Treasures Lesson 1 - 2025-02-01T18:58:14Z.mp4

Free Academy - The Romanov Treasures Lesson 2 - 2025-02-08T18:57:09Z.mp4


Tutor: Anna Levina

Anna is an expert historian and licensed tour guide with a passion for cultural exploration and storytelling. A licensed guide in St. Petersburg, Russia, she made the difficult decision to leave her hometown due to the Russo-Ukrainian War and her strong stance against her country's government. She moved to Israel where she became a licensed tour guide for the Holy Land as well.

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